Yesterday was the first day of Spring! It was also National Earth Day for those who didn't know. The sunshine has been out in full force the last week or so and my spirits have lifted like the frost off the ground. The air still has a nip that reminds us that a last dip in temperatures could bring us snow again, but right now I could care less. My bulbs are starting to push their way upwards, except for the ones that the dog and cats have dug under and those are trying to grow in the direction they have been left in. Yesterday, there were two mother deer with their two babies in our neighbor's yard. We live in a city mind you and around a busy part of town. My daughter immediately pointed out the Mom and the "dad" and the babies. It was at dusk so the moment was quite surreal.
I have been inspired to create. I want to make beautiful things. I want to release a winter's worth of pent up emotion and thought. I have been dreaming designs and find myself drawn to my workspace even before my eyes can focus in the morning. I don't sit down, I just look. Sometimes I give a once over to a piece I created in the wee hours of the night before, just to make sure the glass of wine I had while making it didn't impair my judgement of style.
I am battling the inner pull of whether to create art or work in the flower beds that need attention. I need to do both, but find I get neither accomplished to the extent that I desire. The yard is partially cleaned and my jewelry and such is in a state of partially realized creative moments. Today, Sunday, may be the day I am pushed to do both. The television is not on cartoons and my daughter is already poised to run amuck in the freshly thawed, soft earth of the yard. With the man being stabilized in front of the latest madness of March I may find another pair of eyes is just what I need to focus mine on getting the art out. Here comes Spring! The balancing of moods and the magic of muses.
Wow, Kelley. Both your writing and your designs are more rich and exquisite than they were even a year ago. You amaze me!